Monday, October 12, 2015

Product Comparison

1-The survival tool has a can opener, but doesn't have a pliers.
2-The multi tool has a pliers, but doesn't have wrenches.
3-The multi tool has a saw, but doesn't have a ruler.
4-The multi tool has a hammer, but doesn't have a pick.
5-The key tool has a knife blade, but doesn't have a can opener.
6-The key tool has a saw, but doesn't have a rules. 
7-The multi tool has a knife blade, but doesn't have a screwdriver.
8-The key tool has a bottle opener, but doesn't have a pick.
9-The survival tool has wrenches, but the multi tool doesn't.
10-The multi tool has a hammer, but the survival tool doesn't.
11-The survival tool has a ruler, but the key tool doesn't.
12-The key tool has a saw, but the survival tool doesn't.
13-The survival tool has a knife blade, but doesn't have a hammer.
14-The survival tool has a screwdriver, but doesn't have a saw.
15-The key tool has pliers, but the survival tool doesn't. 
16-The key tool has a screwdriver, but the multi tool doesn't.
17-The survival tool has a wrench, but the key tool doesn't.
18-The multi tool has a hammer, but the the key tool doesn't. 
19-The key too has a scredwriver, but the multi tool doesn't.
20-The multi tool has a bottle opener, but doesn't have a ruler.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Millenium Development Goals

Hello people!

I leave a poster of one of the eight millennium development goals, required their attention to support and help people, these poverty people need our help, we need your participation to accomplish our goals.

Come help people eradicate poverty and improve health of these people, and fulfil our objectives to promote and combat, prep improve their community and survive these people. Participate and help us.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Advantages and disvantage of using a blog to lean english

  • Ease of use to publish have been made ​​to improve the publication of contents
  • A blog has the internet platform, easy to get to people regardless of their geographical location, so you can get the information to anyone.
  • With a blog you are free to say whatever he wants
  • Help the world is to share what you know and try to improve on what learning can to improve even a little knowledge of someone, not always but you can try.
  • You can also get some economic benefit in various ways, you can even publicize a product or service you offer

  • The lack of interest either from you or from readers
  • Not knowing that express when you have not written much earlier to communicate our ideas and some are difficult at first
  • People do not even read your blog and instead try to attack you for no reason

Hello World

Hi there people,I’m Martha
My full name is Martha Cecilia Salazar Lopez, I was born in Izltapalapa, D.F., I’m 18 years of age, I will be 19 on the 18 of November. I've been living here in Manzanillo Colima for ten years. I live with my parents, older brother and younger sister.
I'm an independent person and student. I study here at the faculty of electromechanics, Engeneering and my career of choice is in Systems and computing.
I'm an Introvert, I'm almost always hanging around and doing things on my own by myself, I love to listen to Rock, Metalcore, indie Rock, Techno, & Trip Hop. I like reading all types of books, I love art and poetry. And I'm a computer adict.