Monday, October 12, 2015

Product Comparison

1-The survival tool has a can opener, but doesn't have a pliers.
2-The multi tool has a pliers, but doesn't have wrenches.
3-The multi tool has a saw, but doesn't have a ruler.
4-The multi tool has a hammer, but doesn't have a pick.
5-The key tool has a knife blade, but doesn't have a can opener.
6-The key tool has a saw, but doesn't have a rules. 
7-The multi tool has a knife blade, but doesn't have a screwdriver.
8-The key tool has a bottle opener, but doesn't have a pick.
9-The survival tool has wrenches, but the multi tool doesn't.
10-The multi tool has a hammer, but the survival tool doesn't.
11-The survival tool has a ruler, but the key tool doesn't.
12-The key tool has a saw, but the survival tool doesn't.
13-The survival tool has a knife blade, but doesn't have a hammer.
14-The survival tool has a screwdriver, but doesn't have a saw.
15-The key tool has pliers, but the survival tool doesn't. 
16-The key tool has a screwdriver, but the multi tool doesn't.
17-The survival tool has a wrench, but the key tool doesn't.
18-The multi tool has a hammer, but the the key tool doesn't. 
19-The key too has a scredwriver, but the multi tool doesn't.
20-The multi tool has a bottle opener, but doesn't have a ruler.

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